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Saturday 6th September 2025

Accessibility at Moreton Show

We seek to ensure that every visitor to Moreton Show has a positive experience at the event.

We are indebted to Cotswold District Council for the grant we have been awarded from the UK Shared Prosperity Fund to help us improve facilities on the showground. This shared vision will continue to grow in the future. The aim is to ensure the showground is more accessible to visitors with additional needs, in the knowledge that small changes can have a major positive impact.

The Society is aware that even with the best intentions it may not be possible to achieve ‘everything for everyone’ but we are striving to help wherever possible. Visitors are requested to study the information below, they are encouraged to bring any food, drinks and equipment they may specifically require with them to the show and to be in contact with us at the Show Office if they require further information in planning their visit to the Show.

Show Staff and Stewards

All staff and stewards (many who are volunteers) at the Society share the vision for visitor satisfaction, they are knowledgeable and helpful and wish to aid wherever possible. A full briefing is given to all staff and stewards prior to the show. All staff and volunteers wear a badge identifying them by name and job title.

Ground Conditions

The Show takes place on farmland. The surface is grass with no hard roads or paths. The condition of the grass varies considerably with the weather. In dry conditions, the land is mostly level with small, and sometimes unpredictable, changes in undulation. However, in wet weather, the land can become muddy and sometimes rutted.


Around the showground there are many toilets. These might be in trailer units (assessed by steps) or they may be the individual cubicle type. In addition, there are accessible toilets as follows:

a. MOBILOO will be in attendance. This is a mobile accessible toilet and changing place for those requiring use of a hoist and/or changing bed when using the bathroom.

b. Adjacent to the Members marquee, there is an easy access single toilet cubicle with ramp access.

Seats will be available outside the accessible units to aid those waiting to use the facilities

Car Parking

There is a designated area for visitors displaying an official Blue Badge on their vehicle. Please note this area can become very busy and, on occasions, full by mid-morning. Should you have any specific concerns regarding parking, please telephone the show office at least one week prior to the Show and we will try to help you if we can.

Mobility Scooters

If you wish to bring your own wheelchair / scooter please notify the car parking attendants on arrival, as space will need to be allowed for unloading / loading. For those that wish to hire a mobility aid for use on the day, Event Mobility is delighted to be providing electric scooters and manual wheelchairs  To reserve an electric scooter or manual wheelchair please book online at www.eventmobility.org.uk/moreton-show or download the advance booking form from here: Advance Booking Form.pdf and send it to: Event Mobility, 3 Racecourse Road, Pershore, Worcestershire, WR10 2EY.  To collect the mobility vehicle please follow signs to the Members then Blue Badge Parking where Event Mobility will be located.

Medical Assistance

If you require emergency medical help either report to any Steward or to the Secretary’s Tent. Emergency medical facilities are available on the showground all day.


On entry to the showground, there is the opportunity to fasten a wristband to any members of your party who may feel more secure knowing that should they become separated from you, that their name and a contact number are written on the wristband.

Quiet Room

A designated quiet room is provided on site. The space is available for the exclusive use of neurodivergent children and adults and their parents/carers where they can take time out and decompress if things become too overwhelming. The zone will offer a calm setting with seating. The zone will be stewarded and only one person/family unit/carer will be admitted at any one time.

Carer Tickets

On purchasing a full rate admission ticket, the carer or attendant of a visitor with additional requirements, will receive free entry to the show upon production of relevant documentation (Personal Independence Payment, Disability Living Allowance, Carers Allowance or Blue Badge Registration number). 

Purchasing advance tickets on the Show website (The Moreton In Marsh Show – Agricultural & Horse Show (moretonshow.co.uk) will ensure shorter queues on entry to the showground (and provide an opportunity to purchase discounted ticket prices if purchased ahead of deadlines).


Please note that it is difficult to predict when queues may form, but at peak times you may experience some delays when parking and when entering the show ground. It is most likely that these areas will be busy until at least 12pm.


Throughout the showground, maps will be displayed with ‘You are here’ arrows. There will also be signposts and signage identifying each zone, for example ‘The Countryside Arena’. Should you need any assistance please ask a steward who will be identifiable by a yellow tabard and will have a blue badge with the word ‘STEWARD’ written on it.

Large Text Timetables

On the day of the Show, these will be available at the Secretary’s Office or please contact the Show Office in advance of the Show.


 All dogs are welcome at the Show. We ask all visitors to keep their dogs on short, fixed leads to help prevent trip hazards. There are some areas where no dogs (other than assistance dogs) are allowed, for example in the livestock areas or in some of the marquees.

Meeting Point

There is a designated meeting point for visitors. This is located near to the Quiet Room. The location can be seen on the map.

Where to find help at the Show

The Show stewards wear bright yellow tabards and have a blue badge with the word ‘STEWARD’ written on it. They will be very pleased to help you, please just ask.

In addition, at the Secretary’s office, the Show Secretary and team can provide specific Show information.

Trade Stands

All trade stands have been reminded that their stands must be accessible for all.

Food & Drink

There are many outlets and trade stands at the Show that sell food and drink. You are also very welcome to bring your own provisions. There is a picnic area available near the rural attractions arena.

There are water standpipes around the site where you can fill your water bottles.

All locations can be identified on the Show map which is downloaded from the website or located around the Show site. Please note that the catering areas can become very busy between 11.30am and 2.30pm

Viewing Area

There is a designated viewing area adjacent to the Main Arena.

The Sunflower Scheme

 All Show stewards, trade stand holders and contractors are aware that the Show is a member of The Hidden Disabilities Sunflower Scheme. This scheme exists to support those with non-visible disabilities such as autism, chronic pain, dementia, sight or hearing loss. Wearing the Sunflower lanyard enables individuals to discreetly indicate that they have an invisible disability and may need additional assistance, kindness, or simply a little more time.


We hope that you have an enjoyable visit to the Show. We welcome your feedback on improvements that can be made in the future.

© The Moreton In Marsh Show 2025Privacy Policy
Moreton-in-Marsh Agricultural and Horse Show Society is a Company Limited by Guarantee, Registered in England No. 2397134; Registered Charity No. 900122. Registered Office: Moreton Show Office, 5 Wychwood Court, London Road, Moreton-in-Marsh, Glos, GL56 0JQ